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    近期碎碎唸 - 記錄近期的感觸跟雜念
角落的孤棋, 在艱難做活的同時, 也要盡可能爭取最大實利!
-- 邊緣未生

    近期集錦 - 分享近期聽到看到的一些好東西
We laughed and kept saying "see you soon", but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.
from La Leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano in 1998

We are often told to "put on a brave face” or to be strong. To do this, we often have to hide, or at least minimize, whatever fears, flaws, and vulnerabilities we possess. However, such an emphasis on strength is misguided. What truly takes courage is to show our imperfections, not to show our strengths, because it is only when we are able to show vulnerability - or the capacity to be hurt - that we are genuinely able to connect with other people.
from Essay prompts of SAT administration in Jan. 2015


2010 Q3Q4 集錦


From 于右任
From 趙民德

From Bill Cosby FB_link
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

From Wim Wenders <Einmal: Bilder und Geschichten>(<一次:影像和故事>)
照片讓人驚奇的地方, 並不是通常人們所認為的"時間定格", 恰恰相反, 每張照片都重新證明時間的綿延連續, 不可停留.

From Cash 主管的關心
如果深深有自知之明, 他人非誠意的褒貶都相對不重要, 不會聽到一句話就失志或是忘形, 包括主管、爸媽、愛人在內.

From Jean Piaget
The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done - men who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offerred.

From 網路
路遙知馬力, 日久見人心.
As distance tests a horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart.
A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn.

From Conrad
攝影一方面可以讓你走向戶外, 一方面也能表達出自己的某些想法.
不要習慣於記錄性的照片, 多拍些自己有感覺的照片.
使用什麼器材並不那麼重要, 雖然玩器材也很有樂趣.

From 我媽
到現在你還是什麼都不會, 只有看資料都不做事,

From joehung

From Cash 我讀"東方快車謀殺案"
如果我想要扮演好某個特定的角色, 長期地獲得信賴, 我就不能隨便亂耍帥.
如果聽從自己的內心比較重要, 活該就拿不到報酬, 也就是不該領老闆的錢.

From Cash Pre-sales小檔案
老闆不會幫你決定做法的工作 → 演算法開發.

From 2010世界盃足球賽轉播
強者未必常勝, 只有勝者恆強.

