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    近期碎碎唸 - 記錄近期的感觸跟雜念
角落的孤棋, 在艱難做活的同時, 也要盡可能爭取最大實利!
-- 邊緣未生

    近期集錦 - 分享近期聽到看到的一些好東西
We laughed and kept saying "see you soon", but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.
from La Leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano in 1998

We are often told to "put on a brave face” or to be strong. To do this, we often have to hide, or at least minimize, whatever fears, flaws, and vulnerabilities we possess. However, such an emphasis on strength is misguided. What truly takes courage is to show our imperfections, not to show our strengths, because it is only when we are able to show vulnerability - or the capacity to be hurt - that we are genuinely able to connect with other people.
from Essay prompts of SAT administration in Jan. 2015


[閱讀] 大師輕鬆讀: The Art of Strategy

"Strategic thinking is the art of outdoing an adversary, knowing that the adversary is trying to do the same to you. It is also the art of finding ways to cooperate, even when others motivated by self-interest, not benevolence. It is the art of convincing others, and yourself, to do what you say. It is the art of putting yourself in others' shoes so as to predict and influence what they will do."
by Avinash Dixit & Barry Nalebuff

大師輕鬆讀第311期: 人生賽局決勝法.



昨晚一回到家, 有人急忙地通知我一個消息.
我心想: no news is good news.


[單車] ADISI人體工學握把

人體工學??? 不就是增加接觸面積, 減低壓迫力量. 噱頭唬人的啦...Orz
自從貴鬆鬆的ERGON人間肉球聲名大噪後, 各廠商皆推出類似的單車握把搶食這個市場, 也就是所謂的"偽人間肉球".


[食記] Mo-Mo-Paradise (98牧場)

跟實驗室學長學弟爬完四獸山後, 還是要找個地方吃飯休息.
(讓我聯想到一首歌, 4 P.M.的Sukiyaki)

[登山] 台北四獸山(虎豹獅象)

這其實是輕鬆的親山步道, 與其說是登山, 不如說是郊遊踏青.
不過郊遊踏青才好, 因為這是實驗室聚會.


[攝影] 林東生老師攝影講座

My whole mind is a camera.


[閱讀] 大師輕鬆讀: Talent Is Overrated

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Accordingly, a "genius" is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework.
by Thomas Edison

我們總是認為世界級成就者生來就有過人的優越條件, 也就是所謂的天份or天賦. 但是越來越多研究會告訴我們根本不是這麼回事. 要達到世界級的水準, 必須進行大量的練習, 超越一般人會想放棄的程度, 這就是頂尖成就者與眾不同的特質.
關鍵不在於我們天生具備何等天份, 而是再於我們是否願意付出必要的努力去追求卓越.



很多人都說: 最低迷的時候就是該進場的時候.