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    近期碎碎唸 - 記錄近期的感觸跟雜念
角落的孤棋, 在艱難做活的同時, 也要盡可能爭取最大實利!
-- 邊緣未生

    近期集錦 - 分享近期聽到看到的一些好東西
We laughed and kept saying "see you soon", but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.
from La Leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano in 1998

We are often told to "put on a brave face” or to be strong. To do this, we often have to hide, or at least minimize, whatever fears, flaws, and vulnerabilities we possess. However, such an emphasis on strength is misguided. What truly takes courage is to show our imperfections, not to show our strengths, because it is only when we are able to show vulnerability - or the capacity to be hurt - that we are genuinely able to connect with other people.
from Essay prompts of SAT administration in Jan. 2015


[登山] 水漾森林 (杉林溪-內湖國小-慶功宴)

吃完泡麵後, 直接從仁亭走回停車場, 換裝後就開車回新竹了.

juansanrey: 來到杉林溪, 一定要去看看"松瀧岩瀑布"啊!!!

[登山] 水漾森林 (Day3-林道)

雖然睡覺時就把yehmomo借我的兩人睡墊折成L型, 隔住帳篷內帳跟睡袋, 但是睡袋邊緣還是濕掉了...Orz

不過, 還是睡得很舒服... \( ̄︶ ̄)/
是睡在睡袋舒服? 還是睡在山裡很舒服呢?


[登山] 水漾森林 (Day2-千人洞-眠月神木)

比起前一天蓋外套睡車上, 睡帳篷睡袋真是好舒服.


[登山] 水漾森林 (Day1-鹿屈山)

漫長黑夜終於被太陽公公給驅離, 水漾森林的第一天行程就此展開.

[登山] 水漾森林 (行前-Day0)

yehmomo在農曆年前就做好行程規劃, 開始非正式邀約去水漾森林. 身為小助手的我, 趕緊在年假期間看完相關遊記, "大致"了解行程, 年後我發信揪團, 報名截止時, 剛好是8人2車.


Deuter 65+10L 大背包 + 100mountain 600g 羽絨睡袋

在農曆年前就約好了水漾森林的行程, 然而, 我根本就沒有登山/露營的必需裝備.
我是想說過完年再來採買, 但沒想到時間被我慢慢磨掉, 直到行前會議, 還是沒裝備...囧, 於是在行前加緊腳步張羅.