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    近期碎碎唸 - 記錄近期的感觸跟雜念
角落的孤棋, 在艱難做活的同時, 也要盡可能爭取最大實利!
-- 邊緣未生

    近期集錦 - 分享近期聽到看到的一些好東西
We laughed and kept saying "see you soon", but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.
from La Leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano in 1998

We are often told to "put on a brave face” or to be strong. To do this, we often have to hide, or at least minimize, whatever fears, flaws, and vulnerabilities we possess. However, such an emphasis on strength is misguided. What truly takes courage is to show our imperfections, not to show our strengths, because it is only when we are able to show vulnerability - or the capacity to be hurt - that we are genuinely able to connect with other people.
from Essay prompts of SAT administration in Jan. 2015



上週放了幾天假, 這週進辦公室時, 桌上放著:

聖誕禮物? 管他的.
Xmas and me are through[1] since i'm a buddhist...

還不錯, 裡面的糖果都是軟糖or巧克力.

我比較喜歡的是喜憨兒烘培坊, 好吃又做公益.
也會有這家的糖果, 但總是有不討我週遭姐姐歡心的硬糖, 於是放假回來後(我會在大假前後請假避開人潮車潮), 桌上常常多了不具名人士的愛心硬糖, 我都是登山時帶去當行動糧.

嗯...把這帶回去給姪兒好了, 遲來的聖誕禮物...
不過他還太小, 不能吃這些糖果, 所以換成他最愛的餅乾.


[1] 學弟推薦的應景歌曲: Christmas And Me Are Through by Your Vegas.

4 則留言:

  1. 祝Isometry 2011年新年快樂,萬事如意!

    《Christmas And Me Are Through》?
    ...There's no Christmas here anymore
    'cause she's gone, gone


  2. 當然不是啊...

    這是某學弟很喜歡這首歌跟Your Vegas, 所以傳給我聽聽...哈

  3. 「您是失戀了嗎? 」

  4. 讚個啥...囧, there's no beginning, there'll be no end...

    要是哪天我真的失戀了, 再找你跟underrain研究到底是失戀比較苦還是酒比較難喝...
