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    近期碎碎唸 - 記錄近期的感觸跟雜念
角落的孤棋, 在艱難做活的同時, 也要盡可能爭取最大實利!
-- 邊緣未生

    近期集錦 - 分享近期聽到看到的一些好東西
We laughed and kept saying "see you soon", but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.
from La Leggenda del Pianista sull'Oceano in 1998

We are often told to "put on a brave face” or to be strong. To do this, we often have to hide, or at least minimize, whatever fears, flaws, and vulnerabilities we possess. However, such an emphasis on strength is misguided. What truly takes courage is to show our imperfections, not to show our strengths, because it is only when we are able to show vulnerability - or the capacity to be hurt - that we are genuinely able to connect with other people.
from Essay prompts of SAT administration in Jan. 2015


[閱讀] 萬用英語會話辭典

這本書購於2005年底, 那時我剛離開關西營區, 初入職場工作, 想到自己的破英文...

意志不堅強的我, 雖然一直想補強英文, 但實際行動卻是少的可憐!
剛買時, 還會在下班後想到就翻個幾頁.
再過一陣子, 就只有在通勤時才會拿出來翻翻, 但客運會關燈, 所以...
於是, 這本工具書被我束諸高閣了好久!

直到我離開甲殼後, 改成搭台鐵通勤.
那過長的通勤時間(1.5小時), 既不能好好睡覺, 又很無聊.
而零碎又容易受干擾的時間, 還滿適合翻翻工具書的...XD

六年多的時間, 終於看完了這本工具書.

當然, 看完不等於看懂或是看熟. 就好像, 事情做完不等於做好...囧

然而, 只有翻翻工具書, 也多少反映了最近生活的乏味, 還有面目可憎的程度...

